Concerns have been expressed by local residents in relation to the adjacent
properties on Halewood Road, Gateacre Brow and Sandfield Road being
overlooked by the occupiers of the proposed development. The Planning
Manager has carefully considered the location of the proposed windows and is
of the opinion that the majority of windows in the proposed new build elements
have been angled and positioned so that they minimise any overlooking or
perception of overlooking. It is noted, however, that there are some windows
which could give rise to overlooking and therefore the Planning Manager
considers that should the Committee be minded to approve the application, that
a condition be imposed on the planning permission which requires that these
windows be fitted with obscure glazing and have restricted openings, the details
of which shall be agreed and installed to the satisfaction of the Planning
The design concept for the new apartments blocks has been focused around
the historic industrial nature of the site and varied urban grain and forms of the
area. As such, the new build development comprises of a 'collection' of
buildings rather than a single modern building. In addition, interest and variety
of the building will be provided by a limited number of materials, which are
influenced by the existing site and its historic industrial nature. The suggested
palette of materials include brickwork which will match the form and colour of
the brewery, and sandstone which will complement the existing stone in the
locality. In addition, it is proposed to use Corten Steel (to be used on the
staircase and window surrounds) and Zinc for the roofing, which will echo the
industrial history of the site. The Planning Manager has considered the use of
these materials carefully and considers that they are appropriate to the design
and form of the new build elements of the scheme.
Concerns have been expressed by local residents with regards to the new
apartment blocks creating overshadowing. Having regard to the
daylight/sunlight patterns, the Planning Manager considers that the morning
shadow of the new build elements would be mainly cast over the land contained
within the centre of the site. He accepts however that the new build elements
would create some overshadowing to the areas at the rear of properties on
Halewood Road during the afternoon period. However with particular regard to
the area at the rear of St. Stephens Court, it is considered that this area is likely
to be already overshadowed by the existing conifers which are approx 4m in
height and the existing industrial buildings. The Planning Manager
acknowledges that the new build elements would have prolonged shadows
during the winter months, however considers that the degree of overshadowing
is not unduly detrimental to the amenity of the residents in the adjacent
The Planning Manager concludes that the design, scale and massing of the
new apartment blocks are appropriate to its location and would not detract from
either the setting of the Grade II Listed Buildings or the character and
appearance of the Gateacre Village Conservation Area at this location. In
addition, it is considered that the new build elements have their own pleasing
architectural character and distinctiveness and compliments its industrial
In these circumstances, whilst the Planning Manager acknowledges the
concerns expressed by a local residents as a result of the statutory consultation
process, in this instance the proposal provides satisfactory interface distances
and therefore would not be detrimental to residential amenity.
continued . . .