The former Clegg's Felt Factory
(originally Gateacre Brewery)
Gateacre Brow, Liverpool

July 2006

b) After development commences, if any potentially contaminated
(unusual/suspect) material or flammable/toxic gas not previously identified is
discovered, then a further assessment and reviewed remediation scheme will
be required by the LPA. If no contamination is found then this should be
detailed in the completion report.
c) A written confirmatory sampling and analysis programme with an appropriate
risk assessment for the site in the form of a completion report to confirm the
adequacy of remediation shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and
approved in writing before this condition will be discharged.
REASON: To ensure that the site is remediated to a satisfactory standard in
order to protect public safety and the environment.


1. The permission hereby granted does not convey any rights or approval to
build on, or develop, any land that is not fully owned or controlled by the
applicant, including party boundaries. Applicants should satisfy themselves that
the agreement of any adjoining land owners has been given prior to works
commencing on site.

2. N.B. This permission has been granted subject to the applicants entering into
a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act
1990. Details of the agreement are available on request.

3. During the site works the contractor shall pay full regard to the best
practicable means available in respect of the control of noise and dust from the
site. In addition, no operations which are audible at the site boundary shall be
carried out:
(i) outside the hours of 0800 to 1800 weekdays
(ii) outside the hours of 0800 to 1300 Saturdays, and
(iii) at any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

4. The following policies in the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan are relevant
to this decision:
HD4: Alterations to Listed Buildings
HD5: Development Affecting the Setting of Listed Buildings
HD8: Preservation and Enhancement of Conservation Areas
HD9: Demolition of Buildings in Conservation Areas
HD11: New Development in Conservation Areas
HD18: General Design Requirements
HD23: New Trees and Landscaping
H4: Primarily Residential Areas
H5: New Residential Development
H7: Conversion of Buildings for Multiple Occupation
T12: Car Parking Provision in New Developments
Policy H6 of Supplementary Planning Document - New Housing Development
Supplementary Planning Guidance Note 10 - New Residential Development

5. Reason for Approval:
The proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the architectural and
historic character of the Grade II Listed Buildings and the new build
development is considered to be acceptable in terms of its design, siting,
external appearance and means of access and accords with the SPD on
housing in relation to the location of new residential development. It will not
unduly impact on the amenities of the occupiers of the surrounding residential
properties and would not be detrimental to the visual amenities or character of
the area.

6. The development hereby approved shall only be constructed wholly in
accordance with the submitted application as amended by plans received by the
local planning authority on 8th May and 20th June 2006.

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