The former Clegg's Felt Factory
(originally Gateacre Brewery)
Gateacre Brow, Liverpool

March 2005

The old Brewery building - including the former manager's house at 42 Gateacre Brow - is a Listed Building, and the plans aimed to preserve its Victorian character. However, the rest of the development was to be in a more contemporary style, the 'old' and 'new' parts of the complex being linked by a 'glass box' structure accommodating one of the staircases.

Below: 'A Birds Eye View of the proposed Courtyard'

Image © COPYRIGHT 2005
A2architects Ltd, Liverpool

These web pages are maintained by THE GATEACRE SOCIETY for the information of local residents and the general public. The Society gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the owner's architects, who have kindly supplied illustrative material and consented to its display. All such material is © COPYRIGHT A2architects Ltd, Liverpool, and must NOT be reproduced without permission.

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Page created 8 May 2005 by MRC, last updated 3 September 2006