In these circumstances, the Interim Head of Planning whilst acknowledging the concerns expressed by local residents as a result of the statutory consultation process, is satisfied that there would be no significant adverse impact on the residential amenity of the occupiers directly facing the site, in accordance with policy H4 and H5 of the adopted UDP.
4) Access & Parking Arrangements
The 2006 scheme utilised the existing historic access off Gateacre Brow as the ingress and Lower Sandfield Road as the egress and this application proposes to continue with these access arrangements. The Interim Head of Planning, on the advice of the Highways Manager, is of the view that the proposed access arrangements remain to be appropriate for the size and scale of the development and the submitted drawings demonstrate safe and adequate manoeuvrability in and out from the site access points without detriment to highway safety.
With regards to the car parking provision across the site, although in excess of the recommended standards, the Highways Manager is of the view that the level of parking proposed is more than sufficient to cater for the needs of the development.
The Interim Head of Planning acknowledges the concern raised by local residents with regards to the existing level of vehicle traffic in Gateacre village and the potential for this to increase as a result of the proposed development however on the advice of the Highways Manager is satisfied that the proposals will have an immaterial impact to the highway network or be detrimental to highway safety, in accordance with policy T12 of the adopted UDP.
5) Any other issues
Local residents have raised the issue of the impact on house prices and future saleability of houses as a result of the development however this is not a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Other representations state that there is no need for additional flats as there is already an abundance of vacant units within the area. The Interim Head of Planning appreciates these concerns however the proposal will add to the wider housing mix in the locality and is acceptable.
Finally, concern has been raised with regards to the duration of the construction process and how it may impede on residents peace and tranquillity. The Interim Head of Planning accepts that some noise and disturbance to existing residents may occur for a temporary period during the construction of the proposed development and therefore recommends that a condition is attached to the planning permission which requires the submission of a construction management plan prior to any development commencing on site. Such a plan will require details such as hours of operation for construction work, details of site compounds, storage of plant and materials, access for construction traffic, parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors etc.
The Gateacre Society have referred to an application to erect a telecommunications mast on the land which forms part of the application site. In particular, they have drawn attention to the reason for refusal which relates to the impact on the skyline. The Interim Head of Planning considers that the proposed development is located on part of the site which formerly occupied a modern industrial building and this proposal, and the original scheme, is considered to improve the historic setting of the listed building and the adjacent conservation area.
Continued . . .