Liverpool Weekly News - 18 October 1973


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£3m 'heart' puts new life into suburbia

Page One of the Supplement (left) describes the new building as "the first of ten district centres which will eventually encircle the city and put life into Liverpool's suburbia. ... It will eventually be the equal of Runcorn New Town centre and will provide for 80,000 people".

It's cosy, light and airy

"Women, it has been found, don't like wide-open spaces and here they will be greeted by a cosy, intimate atmosphere. It's an attractive red-brick building, and inside there's no chance of losing your way".

Exciting plans for Belle Vale (pt 1)

Co-op Stamps Personality Girl advert

View Pages 4-6

The one-stop superstore (Pt 1 and Pt 2)

Page Two (above) says that "The new Tesco superstore ... will be one of the new generation of shopping units which carry ranges of merchandise in departmental store dimensions, but which are run on self-service lines".

Tesco advert

Industrial Plant Maintenance Engineering advert

Maghull Carpets advert

Centre manager knows a thing or two about security

Page Three (above) says that the "Manager of the Centre is ... John Mannion who lives on the premises in a bachelor flat. There are facilities for parking a thousand cars in the Centre's car park and Mr Manion hopes that this will help to attract shoppers from all over Merseyside to Belle Vale".

Variety in store with Safeway

Safeway advert
including Location Map

These images of the articles and advertisements contained within the Liverpool Weekly News supplement have been created by The Gateacre Society as a contribution to the shopping centre's 40th birthday celebrations.

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