Gateacre Society Walk Notes 1977-1988

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BROWSIDE (continued)

James Thornely and his family were active in affairs of the Chapel, he being a Trustee as was his son James Lamport, and after moving to Baycliff, Woolton Park (now Bishop's Lodge) c.1875 continued to worship there and he and his son wrote a history of Gateacre Chapel up to 1900.

Browside then became an Academy, run by John Hathersall until 1879 - Mr Hathersall continuing to rent part of the land in Acrefield Road previously tenanted by Mr Thornely.

Herbert J. Robinson was the next occupant, followed by Colin Macdonald, merchant, until 1886. In this year alterations costing £477 12s 9d were started by the Chapel Trustees and the house was empty until Eustace Carey Sec. United Alkali Co., came in 1889. Again the house was unoccupied till in 1901 it was leased to W.J.A. Atkinson , rent £60 p. a. with a condition that Mr Meacock at No.6 be allowed to pass with horses, carts and carriages over the part of the premises leading to his back door. In 1911 Alfred Chapman M.I.C.E. signed a new lease, rent £70 p. a. with a condition attached prohibiting removal or cutting down of trees or shrubs. We end with Mr Chapman in residence as in 1913 L.W. became part of Liverpool.

ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Double fronted 2-storey villa, centre 4 panelled door in moulded doorcase with imposts, round arch and fanlight with surviving glazing bars. Two 12-paned sash windows below, three above. Since we were here in 1979 the stucco has failed seriously, and today we can see that the house is built of stone, the surface tooling, being very like that of Nos 6 & 8 (No.8 has date stone '1807') and with the proportion and character of the door and stone jambs of windows (c.f. No.6) we feel confident with a date c.1814.

continued . . .


These Walk Notes were transcribed in 2011 from the original (1980) mimeographed typescript.
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