SANDFIELD ROAD (continued)
1866: Much Woolton Local Board (of Health) set about the urgent job of sewering the township, it had quite a problem getting the Sand Hole drainage away without passing through Little Woolton. (The Board resolved to name the streets in 1870, henceforth the "Sand Hole" became "Sandfield Road", and by the summer of 1873 was among the "newly paved streets" inspected and adopted.)
By 1868 the Rates Book, the earliest surviving one, shows: -
Nos 1-7 - owned by Mary Hunter (née Webster) bricklayers widow.
Nos 8 & 9 owned by Exors. of Thomas Rodick & his son R.P. Rodick.
Nos 10-12 - owner John Hale, occupiers Leadbetter, Turton, Smith.
No.14 - market garden - owner/occupier John Goddard, born in Berks.
No.15 - owned by Joseph Webster, occupied by Thomas Sefton.
Nos 16 & 17, owned by Wm Greenough who lived in 17; 16 vacant.
Nos 18 - 27, owned by Dutton & Gore, builders, and with tenants names allotted to each, but 8 entries in pencil, so very new ?
Nos 28 & 29 - owner Mr Lace, E. Ellison at 28; Eliz Foxley at 29.
No.30 - William Peters owner and occupier,
and in the Lower Sand Hole: -
Nos 1 & 3 owned by James Gore, occupiers Wright and Roberts.
Nos 5 & 7 owned by John Mercer, occupiers Lawson and Guy.
Nos 9 & 11 owned by James Gore, occupiers White and Davies.
This seems to show that the blocks 10-13, 15-17 and 18-27 had all been built between 1861 & 1868: an increase from 19 households in 1861 to 38 by 1868: the 1871 Census indicates 40.
In June 1897 plans were submitted by F. & G. Holme for a new Electric Generating Station on the market garden. They were sent back with the "request that the new structure be lineable with ... existing buildings on either side" to maintain the pavement line. In September approval was given for underground electric mains to be laid. Work must have gone forward fast as in Jan 1898 complaints were being made about "sending forth of black smoke from the chimney in such quantities as to be a nuisance", on 10th Feb. the Clerk was instructed to take legal proceedings and by 10 March he reported on the recent prosecution for the suppression of the smoke nuisance - quick work!
Here we have a private company building a fine new generating station to provide electricity for our area, and electricity was made here until c.1938, with coal brought via Gateacre Station.
continued . . .