Gateacre Society Walk Notes 1977-1988
Beaconsfield Road,
3 May 1986 (continued)

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SOURCES (continued):

Here we must say that the '1871' map
accompanying these notes is our reconstruction, based on the 1891 O.S. map, the rates books and the knowledge we have gained during this study. If anyone can lead us to estate plans which would add to this we will be delighted!

Apart from maps, we have used the 1841-1881 census returns which bring to life the people we have been meeting, their families and their servants. We are very conscious that we have not done a proper job on the people who were living in Lodges - where we number 'servants' they were 'living-in' servants as, so far, we cannot be sure who was who's coachman, gardener, etc.

The Little Woolton Local Board (L.W.L.B.) minutes from 1867 when the Board was formed, have been useful; also the Rates Books from 1876 (the earlier books are not available) to 1912 after which Little Woolton with its neighbours became part of Liverpool. Throughout Gore's Directory has been a useful guide about who lived where, and about his place of business, but this information has to be used with caution as the volumes were published at the beginning of the year, and before the 1870s 'Beaconsfield Road' was not in the 'Street Directory', so we must know the name of our resident.

Among the books used Edward Baines' History of Lancashire 1825 and Orchard's Legion of Honour 1893 and its successors, have provided biographical material, as well as various Newspapers of the time. And here we must say a warm thank you to our willing and resourceful assistant, Miss Joan Borrowscale who has done a great deal to help.


In this study it has been our aim to tell the story of the development of Beaconsfield Road from the beginning of the 19th century to 1936 - a decent 50 years ago - but also the time when the Beaconsfield estate was being re-developed and the old order was changing. Now we must complete our notes but we are aware that in the last week we have located the Vernons, and these notes are a report on work in progress. We think we know who built what among our 11 houses!

continued . . .


The Notes were transcribed in 2011 from the original (1986) mimeographed typescript.
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