Colour CONFUSION in Belle Vale Road?
As most members will already have noticed, the former Texaco/Save petrol station in Belle Vale Road has now closed down. Hoardings have been erected by the new site owners, Bellway Homes, together with signboards advertising the forthcoming development of apartments ('Parklands').
Those members who saw the architects' drawings at our last Annual General Meeting
may have been surprised by the 'artist's impression' currently displayed on
the site (and reproduced above). The picture shows most of the proposed front elevation faced in a yellow material - rather than the Woolton-red 'reconstructed sandstone' shown on the approved plans - and also omits the black-and-white detailing in the gables which we particularly welcomed in our comments on the scheme.
We have drawn these inconsistencies to the attention of both the original architects and the City Council's planners, and trust that they are the result of artistic error rather than of any real change to the design of the building.
Page created 26 June 2003 by MRC, updated 28 June 2003