Heritage Environment
of Liverpool Project
A review by Alan Kennedy

On the 20th May, John Stonard of English Heritage gave us a very informative and detailed talk on the Historic Environment of Liverpool Project (HELP). Many aims and objectives have been identified to direct the project, but they can best be summed up in these words, "To promote the appreciation of Liverpool's diverse historic environment and to ensure that it is adopted as a dynamic part of the City's future and as a basis of a sustainable strategy for its long term regeneration and conservation."

The three-year project was launched in March 2002 with a range of initiatives:

  • HERITAGE MAPPING - A major programme of heritage mapping as a basis for regeneration, tourism and education, publications and exhibitions.

  • BUILDINGS AT RISK - A Buildings at Risk strategy and action plan to prevent decay and collapse.

  • WORLD HERITAGE - A World Heritage Site management plan, and a basis for Liverpool's bid for WHS status.

  • PUBLIC OPINION - A survey of attitudes to inform planners of what is valued and requires safeguarding.

  • INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - A conference to explore the role of the historic environment in the regeneration of port cities.

  • PEVSNER AND BLUE PLAQUES - A Blue Plaques guidebook, and a new Buildings of England (Pevsner) Guide for Liverpool to be funded.

  • RESOURCES FOR SCHOOLS - Development of resource materials for schools etc., wishing to use the historic environment as part of the national curriculum.

During the life of HELP, English Heritage will be working with several other bodies and individuals. Mr Stonard invited anyone interested to contact the project office on 0161 242 1400.

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Page created 6 September 2003 by MRC