Our 29th Annual General Meeting on 28th October was the best-attended for several years, in spite of the inclement weather. Perhaps the pre-circulation of the Agenda papers - and the reminder that food and wine was on offer! - had something to do with it. Members were pleased to see our Chairman, Tony McCann, back 'in harness'. In his comments on the Annual Report, Tony drew our attention to the Society's relatively modest subscription rates, which in real terms are much lower now than when the Society was first founded. This remark - together with the Treasurer's revelation that our expenditure last year was £165 more than our income - led a member, from the floor, to propose a review of the annual membership fees. The Society's Committee will be discussing this matter at its next meeting. Meanwhile we shall continue to accept renewals at the current rates.

We were surprised and disappointed to hear that, at its recent Annual General Meeting, a Motion was put forward to wind up the Woolton Society. This Motion was carried by the necessary two-thirds majority, and a simple majority at a future Special General Meeting will be sufficient to complete the process. The Woolton Society was founded in 1972 - two years earlier than the Gateacre Society - and it currently has over 500 members. We find it difficult to believe that, among this number, there are not enough people willing to form a Committee and to save our 'sister' Society from dissolution.

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