As a result of our December site meeting with City Council officers (see last Newsletter) the Council has now confirmed its intention of taking the following actions during the current financial year:
1. To build out the existing eastern kerb line in Sandfield Road (around the junction with Gateacre Brow) so that the upper floor of 28b Gateacre Brow does not overhang into the live carriageway. "Additional bollards (in keeping with the conservation area status) may also be introduced to further highlight the necessity of keeping that area of the highway clear of vehicular traffic."
2. To introduce further waiting restrictions on the northern side of Gateacre Brow. Approximately 30 metres of additional yellow lines (limiting waiting for either all or part of the day) would be provided. "These restrictions would serve to allow a greater turning arc for larger vehicles requiring access to Sandfield Road. However, the implementation of such restrictions is subject to public consultation."
3. Informing any heavy goods vehicle operators, such as Travis Perkins and Onyx of the legal prohibition of reversing for longer than is necessary: Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986, regulation 106. "On-site observations have revealed that there is sufficient room in the Travis Perkins yard for HGVs to turn around and exit Sandfield Road using a forward gear. This is obviously more conducive to road safety and less likely to damage property."

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