on Saturday 10th September

Two local buildings - St Stephen's Church in Belle Vale Road and Gateacre Unitarian Chapel in Gateacre Brow - will be welcoming visitors on 10th September 2005 as part of the Civic Trust's Heritage Open Days programme. St Stephen's will be open between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., and the Chapel will be open between 1 and 4 p.m.
We shall have a sales and information table inside St Stephen's Church, and Mike Chitty will be leading guided historical walks between the two venues, starting from outside the Chapel at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and from outside St Stephen's at 12.30 and 3.30 p.m. Each walk will take approximately one hour, and will look at a selection of local landmarks - emphasising particularly the influence of the Walker family on Victorian Gateacre.
As with all Heritage Open Days events there is no charge,
and all are welcome to attend.

on Tuesday 25th October

The 31st Annual General Meeting of the Gateacre Society will be held on Tuesday 25th October 2005, at 8 p.m., in the Chapel Hall, Sandfield Road, Liverpool L25. Various officers' reports, and the annual accounts, will be presented for approval, and nominations will be invited for membership of the Society's Executive Committee.

Please note that we are very keen to recruit new members onto the Committee - whether to assist with administrative tasks or simply to take part in our discussions of planning matters and the Society's future programme of activities. Between now and the A.G.M., why not have a word with any of the existing Committee members to find out more about what's involved?

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Page created 2 September 2005 by MRC