• All the effort put into this year's Gateacre in Bloom displays seems to have paid off. Representatives of the Friends of Gateacre Committee have been invited to the North West in Bloom awards ceremony in Bolton on 23rd September - which means that Gateacre has definitely won something!

  • To help raise funds for winter planting and other activities, the Gateacre in Bloom Portfolio - as presented to the judges when they 'did the rounds' in July - has been produced this year in the form of a 2006 Calendar. Full of colour photographs of Gateacre Village, it is now on sale at £5 a copy. To order, speak to any Committee member of the Friends of Gateacre. We also hope to have the calendars on sale on Heritage Open Day - and at our A.G.M.

  • Top priority at present is the drawing-up of an improvement scheme for the former Cricket Field in Belle Vale Road. Two seats have already been installed, and wildflower planting around the edge is proposed for the autumn. The Friends of Gateacre are inviting suggestions from local residents on other features which could be incorporated.

The turnout for the Friends of Gateacre's Home Front Recall event on 21st August was greater than anyone had expected - and a good time seems to have been had by all. From the solemn act of remembrance at the beginning to the singalong at the end, the village was buzzing with activity, and a big vote of thanks is due to those who planned and managed this very successful event.

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Page created 2 September 2005 by MRC