We have just received a letter from the National Lottery to say that our 'Awards for All' grant application has been approved. We are being given £5,800 to spend on a project entitled 'Discovering and Learning About Gateacre's Past'.

The components of our project are:

  • An information board on the village green.

  • An archive of historic photographs and digital images using material contributed by local people.

  • Illustrated talks on Gateacre's heritage, and workshops to encourage sharing of local knowledge and reminiscence.

  • Worksheets for local schoolchildren to encourage observation and appreciation of our local heritage.

  • A book of captioned photographs based on the historical archive assembled by the Society.

If you would like to help with the project - for example if you have
any old photographs of Gateacre that you would be willing for us to copy
- please contact
any member of our Committee.

Visit our Illustrated History of Gateacre web pages
to see some of the photographs we already
have in our collection

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Page created 18 June 2007 by MRC