Our November meeting:


A talk by Don Allerston
on Tuesday 13th November

at 8 pm, in Gateacre Chapel Hall,
Sandfield Road, L25

Hale Village is steeped in history, and its whitewashed cottages and bright country gardens have won it several awards over the years. St Mary's Church stands on the site of a chapel built in 1081. The churchyard contains the grave of Hale's most famous resident, John Middleton - the 9ft 3in 'Childe of Hale' - who died in 1623. The village still elects a Lord Mayor and Freemen.

Don Allerston lives in Hale, and will tell us more about the history and traditions of the village.

Gateacre Society members
free of charge - Visitors 50p

View a Location Map of
Gateacre Chapel Hall

And please don't forget our Annual General Meeting:

The 33rd A.G.M. of the Gateacre Society will be held on TUESDAY 30th OCTOBER in the Chapel Hall, Sandfield Road, Liverpool L25, starting at 8 pm. The A.G.M. is always a very sociable occasion, a chance for members to meet and chat informally (and enjoy the refreshments provided).

This year we shall also be making use of our new Lottery-funded equipment to project a selection of 'mystery photographs' of Vanished Gateacre. See how many of the places you can identify!

At our Annual General Meeting we shall be receiving the Annual Reports and Accounts, and electing a Committee for the coming year. This has been a very eventful year for the Society, and there will be plenty to report and discuss.
All members and prospective members of the Society are invited to attend, and anyone interested in joining the Committee will be very welcome to put themselves forward for nomination at the meeting.

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