Several times, over the past few years, we have appealed in the Newsletter for members to put themselves forward for election to the Committee, and to help us with the running of the Society. As those members who attended our A.G.M. last October will be aware, however, we are now almost at 'crisis point' with far too many of our Committee posts left unfilled.
If you (or anyone you know) would like to help us carry out specific tasks like record-keeping, booking speakers, or reporting on correspondence received, or would simply like to take part in our discussions of local environmental matters, the Society's future activities, etc., then please get in touch as soon as possible. Perhaps you (or they) are recently retired, or new to the area … or have particular skills or experience which would be useful to us.
Our Committee meetings currently take place on Tuesday evenings, about every 6 weeks, and you will be most welcome to come along to a couple of meetings as an 'observer' if you want to get a better idea of what's involved.