Some other items from our March Newsletter


An outline planning application (ref. 08O/2065) has been submitted to build shops and offices on the site of the existing Gateacre Park Motors premises in Thurne Way. The proposal is for a three-storey block containing 7 retail units on the ground floor, and 14 self-contained offices above. As the application is only for outline permission, there is little further information, but the 'illustrative layout' drawings submitted with the application show a 29-space car parking area off Thurne Way with the same access points as at present, and no through route (either for vehicles or pedestrians) to the adjacent Gateacre Park Drive shopping precinct.

In our comments to the Planning Department, we have suggested that the two sites should be treated as a single entity (the owners of the Gateacre Park Drive precinct having already been given outline planning permission to demolish and redevelop it) so as to maximise the benefits to the local community. We have questioned the need for offices, and have asked that the pedestrian access arrangements be re-thought so as to make walking to these local shops an attractive alternative to driving further afield.

Read our previous articles about the Gateacre Park Drive shopping precinct
in the April 2007
and June 2007 Newsletters

We are pleased to report that the Annual General Meeting on 15th February was very well-attended (by 43 people, including at least 33 paid-up members of the Society) and the constitutional changes set out in our October 2008 Newsletter were approved.

The Society's Executive Committee now consists of the following members:
Pam Ball, Bill Blundell, Mary Champion, Eryl Chitty, Mike Chitty, Brian Doman,
Rosemary Doman, Tony McCann, George Mason and Beryl Plent.

At its meeting on 17th February, the Committee appointed new Officers. The Society's Chairman is now Brian Doman; Tony McCann having stood down, owing to ill-health, after no less than 28 years in the Chair. And we are pleased to say that we now have an Hon. Secretary: Bill Blundell, who we welcomed onto the Committee for the first time at the AGM. Bill lives a long way from Gateacre, but he became a familiar face at our Local History presentations last year and we were delighted when he offered us his services. Bill's local credentials are impeccable: his great-grandfather was Joseph Blundell, who ran the smithy at Cuckoo Lane/Rose Brow in the late nineteenth century, and his grandfather was George Blundell, cycle-maker of Woolton!

The Committee has decided not to appoint a Vice-Chairman for the time being.

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