Our next meeting:
Monday 21st June,
7.30 pm
in Gateacre Chapel,
Gateacre Brow,
L25 3PB


A talk by Carole Codd
Carole Codd worked for the Liverpool Registration Service for over 32 years. She started in 1975 as a deputy registrar at Brougham Terrace, and in 1989 became only the second woman to be appointed to the post of Superintendent Registrar in Liverpool since registration started in 1837. Although now retired, she still works on a casual basis at the Register Office, which has been based at the Cotton Exchange in Old Hall Street for the past nine years.

Carole has been involved in some of the major changes which have taken place in civil registration in recent times. Her amusing and informative presentation will consist of a short history of civil registration in England and Wales, followed by a series of stories and anecdotes about marriages and some of the other services, such as civil funerals, which the Registrars provide in Liverpool.

ALL WELCOME - Admission Free - Donations invited

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Gateacre Chapel - or view our own Location Map

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Liverpool Register Office

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