Our next meeting:

A talk by Peter de Figueiredo
in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow, L25
on Monday 15th November at 7.30pm

Peter de Figueiredo is an architect and architectural historian who has worked as Conservation Officer for Chester and Historic Buildings Inspector with English Heritage. He now runs a heritage consultancy from his home in Birkenhead, and over the past three years he has advised Peel Holdings on their ambitious regeneration scheme for Liverpool's North Docks. The Liverpool Waters project (part of which is illustrated above) offers an opportunity to attract new jobs and international investment, but an understanding of the dockland landscape is crucial if Liverpool's waterfront - and the World Heritage Site of which it now forms part - is to be protected and enhanced. In his talk, Peter will explain how Liverpool's maritime mercantile history has shaped the character of the city, and how the legacy of the past can be used creatively to shape its future.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

Visit Multimap for travel directions to Gateacre Chapel
- or view our own Location Map

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