Wednesday 7th September

We nominated Mike Chitty for a BALH (British Association for Local History) Personal Achievement Award - of which four are made, nationally, each year - in recognition of his services to the Gateacre Society since 1984. Mike was unable to attend the Awards Ceremony in London in June, so we were asked to arrange a special local event at which his BALH certificate could be formally presented. The respected local historian, author and broadcaster Ken Pye has kindly agreed to 'do the honours' on 7th September (7.30pm) at the Olive Mount Community Centre, Edgewell Drive, Liverpool L15 8GG.

The hosts are the Wavertree Society, who also nominated Mike for the Award (because of his even longer services to them, dating back to 1977). Ken Pye will be giving an informative and entertaining talk entitled THE JOYS OF SCOUSERS AND SCOUSE. Gateacre Society members are very welcome to attend, and we hope that many will join us in showing appreciation for Mike's hard work and dedication to both societies.

Further details of Ken Pye's talk are available on the Wavertree Society's  website

View the Wavertree Society's Location Map showing the Olive Mount Community Centre

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