Our next meeting:
A Tour of Speke Hall
in Words and Pictures

A talk by Anna Alexander
in Gateacre Chapel,
Gateacre Brow L25 3PB
on Sunday 4th December at 2.30 p.m.

Anna Alexander - a member of the Gateacre Society - is a guide at Speke Hall where she conducts Victorian and Tudor tours. Her talk will guide you through the house and grounds as if you were on one of her tours. She will show photographs of many of the rooms in the hall and will describe the house and its history from the Tudor period through to the Victorian era. The focus of the talk will be the people who lived in the house - the Norris, Watt and Leyland families - and the servants who looked after them. You will also have the chance to examine a copy of the 1460 rent roll of Speke Hall which Anna has recently transcribed, and which forms part of some research she is doing at the moment.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

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