Our next meeting:

the Saint of
the Slums

An illustrated talk by Pauline Hurst

in Gateacre Chapel,
Gateacre Brow
L25 3PB

on Monday 10th July
at 7.30 p.m.

In 1832, during a cholera epidemic, Mrs Catherine (Kitty) Wilkinson had the only heating boiler in her neighbourhood of Liverpool. She helped her neighbours to wash infected clothes and bedding - so this was effectively the first public washhouse. Ten years later, with public funds, her efforts resulted in the opening of a combined washhouse and public baths in Upper Frederick Street, the first in the U.K.

We are pleased to welcome back Pauline Hurst, who has spoken to us twice before. This well-illustrated talk also looks at the development and use of public bathing and swimming facilities, by reference to the extensive local Health Reports in the Liverpool archives.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

View our Location Map showing Gateacre Chapel

NOTE: This talk was originally advertised as including Josephine Butler as well as Kitty Wilkinson, but the title has now been changed. A talk on Josephine Butler may follow at a later date.

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