We asked the City Council why the new houses in Grange Lane have such strange numbers. Rather than the anticipated 2, 4, 6 through to 106, the numbers only run from 2 to 10, with suffix letters added from A to N (excluding I and L to avoid confusion with the number 1).

The reason, we were told, is that there are already "existing numbers 12 & 14 Grange Lane further down the road". But does anyone know that The Cottage (by Grange Mews) is officially No.12, or that the Gateacre Institute is No.14? And is it logical, given that they are opposite the shops numbered 171-185?

We suggested that it would have been better to re-number these two properties, rather than risk visitors to the 53 new houses facing confusion for years to come.

Newly-occupied houses in Grange Lane, Gateacre, Liverpool, 27 August 2017.
From left to right the addresses are
10N, 10M, 10K, 10J, 10H, 10G, 10F, 10E, 10E, 10D, 10C, 10B, 10A, 10 and 8N Grange Lane

Photos © Mike Chitty

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Page created 6 Sep 2017 by MRC, last updated 19 Sep 2017