The Conservative Club planning application mentioned in the last Newsletter (16F/2198 to use part of the building as a children's day nursery) was GRANTED by the City Council on 28th November. The Planning Officer considered that - despite the objections received from ourselves and from 6 local residents - the proposal is unlikely to result in traffic or parking problems, will not adversely affect the amenity of adjoining residents, and will not detract from the character of the Conservation Area.
A planning and listed building consent application for Grange Hollies, Grange Lane, was submitted in August 2016 (ref. 16F/1905 & 16L/0792). The plan was to extend and convert the existing care home to 10 flats, and build a detached house to the rear. We objected to the height of the proposed extension, which we felt would detract from the appearance of the listed building. We are pleased to say that amended drawings have now been submitted, omitting the top storey.
Meanwhile a planning and listed building consent application for The Crying Tree/Gorsey Cop (ref. 16F/1122 & 16L/1123) proposes conversion of the 'original' part of the building to 8 apartments, demolition of some later additions, conversion of the former coachhouse to 2 dwellings, plus the erection of 5 newbuild dwellings. Although the application was submitted in May 2016, no decision has yet been made.