November 2018: Our Newsletter reports on a Hazardous Zebra and an Incongruous Fence.

September 2018:
Our Newsletter gives the date of our forthcoming A.G.M., and reports the refurbishment of our Heritage Lectern.

July 2018:
Our Newsletter advertises a talk about Liverpool Cowkeepers and asks what has happened to Gateacre Village's 'K6' phone box.

May 2018:
Our Newsletter contains updates on Sandfield Road and the Rights of Way Public Inquiry, and an article about 'missing' grass verges in Grange Lane.

March 2018:
Our Newsletter has a reminder about the Rights of Way Public Inquiry starting on 27th March, and asks what can be done about  the problems caused by lorries entering Sandfield Road.

January 2018:
Our Newsletter contains information about planning applications on which we have recently commented, and also about the re-launch of the Friends of Gateacre.

News Index 2018

News Archive 2000+

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Page created 17 Jan 2018 by MRC, last updated 15 Nov 2018