Some other items from our June Newsletter

In our last Newsletter we invited members (and others) to send us seasonal/colourful photographs of local scenes, for use in a 2020 Gateacre Calendar. Our deadline was May 31st, but if you have any suitable images and haven't yet submitted them, it is not too late to email them here
so we can make the final selection.

On 15th May, Liverpool City Council served an enforcement notice on the Byron Court Management Company (who built the wall across the path from Glenacres in 2016) and on Mr Christopher George (whose company Hayne Securities Ltd is the legal owner of the land). This instructed them to "remove the structure" from the Public Right of Way "within 14 days". If they fail to do this within one month, then the Council will undertake the work - and send them the bill.

Above: Photograph taken from Glenacres, looking towards Byron Court, in May 2019


In our May 2018 Newsletter we said that we were trying to get the grass verge in Grange Lane reinstated, in between the driveways of all the new houses on the west side. The replacement verges were clearly shown on the Countryside Properties layout plan - as issued to prospective house buyers - and on the Landscape Masterplan submitted to the City Council as part of the original planning application. We have now been informed that:

1. The Grange Lane footway and grass verge lay outside the official boundary of the planning application (being owned by the Council, not the developer), so the planning permission did not require that particular part of the landscaping to be implemented.

2. The reinstatement of the footway and verge was a matter for the Council's Highways Department, not the Planning Department, to negotiate. This process was separate from the planning application, and there was no requirement for public consultation.

3. "Due to changes in personnel", Countryside Properties are unable to explain why the landscaping plans were changed. However, they point out that "the potential verge area in front of plot 7 is peppered with manholes, gas governor and associated equipment, leaving little room for a continuous verge".

4. The final plans agreed between Countryside Properties and the Highways Department did NOT show verges on either corner of Chantry Road. They will not, therefore, be provided.

5. To reduce the chance of pavement parking occurring at this junction, a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be published in due course, and double yellow lines painted as and where necessary.

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Page created 6 Jun 2019 by MRC, last updated 6 Jun 2019