When Countryside Properties were granted planning permission to build 200 houses (15F/0516) -  later increased to 231 houses (17F/1805) - between Grange Lane and Cuckoo Lane, this was subject to a number of conditions. These included a requirement to adhere to the approved Landscaping Scheme. One of the claims of the applicant was that the development would result in the provision of a large number of trees (summarised in the Planning Department's Case Officer Report at the time as "a minimum of one tree per house plot and upward of 80 street trees") and we saw these trees clearly marked on Countryside's Landscape Masterplan.

Now that the development is complete, and the houses are occupied, we note that not all of the planned trees have yet been planted - and some that were planted early on have since died or been removed. We have asked the City Council to carry out a survey, and to check with Countryside Properties what their intentions are for the current planting season, so as to ensure that the planning conditions are fully complied with.

Extracts from the Landscape Masterplan (above) and the 'Planning Layout' (right) submitted by Countryside Properties as part of Planning Application 15F/0516.

They indicate the trees to be planted in what became Chantry Road, between Grange Lane and Mountfield Crescent.

Read about the Planning Applications 15F/0516 (Apr.2015) and 17F/1805 (Aug.2017) on our special Gateacre Comp Site web pages

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