The recent so-called 'upgrade' of the City Council's planning applications computer system is making it difficult for us to monitor local proposals.  No 'Weekly Lists' of applications received have been issued since May, and we are reliant on information from local residents - who are still being notified (by post) of nearby planning applications.

One such application is 21F/0535, which is described on the computer system (and the applicant's own submitted form) as relating to 'Gateacre Lodge, Grange Lane' but is, in fact, a plan to build a pair of large semi-detached houses in the grounds of Gateacre Grange, Rose Brow. The submitted Design & Access Statement is misleading in several respects. It says that the proposal "seeks to make an enhanced contribution in townscape terms to the Gateacre Conservation Area with a sensitive conversion that retains and restores the building's original character" and "seeks to create a mews like development that discreetly sits within the grounds of Gateacre Grange". The reality, in the opinion of several nearby residents, is that it will be quite out of keeping with the existing new-build properties on the site (which were only given planning permission because they occupied the footprints of a former summer house and glasshouses) and will be harmful to the setting of the listed building - Gateacre Grange, the former home of Sir Andrew Barclay Walker which, after serving is a home for retired seafarers, was converted to residential apartments in 2004.

Meanwhile the sandstone wall adjacent to the Gateacre Grange entrance in Rose Brow has been severely damaged. In June a car being pursued by the police crashed into the wall and caused it to collapse. We are told that the wall will be rebuilt - but only when the complexities of liability and insurance have been sorted out.

Above: The Site Plan and Proposed Elevations, as submitted as part of planning application 21F/0535
(See our previous advice on how to inspect and comment on Liverpool planning applications)

Below: The entrance to Gateacre Grange, following the incident in June 2021

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Page created 18 Sep 2021 by MRC