Gateacre village and its immediate surroundings has a remarkable concentration of Listed Buildings: pubs, churches (including a 300-year-old Nonconformist chapel), houses (large and small), memorials, a former brewery, a Georgian portico and a Victorian signpost. It's now over 35 years since the List was updated, and Historic England (the government body responsible for creating and maintaining the List) wants to know whether the descriptions of the buildings are still accurate. Merseyside Civic Society has been commissioned to look at them, and to collect historical information to supplement and 'enrich' the List.
This is part of a national project, Gateacre being one of just three 'pilot' areas selected by Historic England. MCS will be recruiting a small team of local volunteers to carry it out, starting very soon and finishing at the end of March. For further information please email
Pam Wilsher: secretary@merseysidecivicsociety.org