The Proposal
The main components of the proposal comprise:
i) external repair and internal refurbishment of the brewery and its
conversion into 9 no. self contained residential units;
ii) demolition of extension and internal and external repair works to No. 42
Gateacre Brow and its retention as a single dwelling house;
iii) the construction of 2 no. three storey buildings accommodating 13no.
iv) the laying out of car parking area & associated landscaping at the rear of
the site.
The application is accompanied by supporting information which includes an
appraisal of the Listed Buildings, a design & development concept statement, a
highways strategy and a HMRI statement. A development appraisal covering
the financial aspects of the scheme has also been included.
Relevant Site History
Planning, Listed Building and Conservation Area applications (Ref: 05F/0664,
05C/0665& 05L/0666) were submitted in March 2005. The description of these
applications read "To carry out demolition and alterations to premises; to retain
No.42 and 5-11 Lower Sandfield Road as 5 no. dwellings; to convert remaining
factory premises into 15 no. flats; to erect 3 no. blocks (2x3 storey and 1x4
storey) containing 14 no. flats; erect 2 no. three storey town houses; to
construct underground car park with 25 spaces; to layout 8 no. parking spaces
adjacent to Lower Sandfield Road and carry out associated landscaping and
upgrading of Lower Sandfield Road. (Retain 5 dwellings; provide 15 no.
converted flats; erect 14 no. new flats and 2 no. new dwellings - 36 no. units in
These applications were withdrawn by the applicant in June 2005 following
discussions with officers of this Service.
Scope of Consultations
125 no. Local Residents
4 no. Site Notices
1 no. External Consultee
4 no. Internal Consultee
1 no. Local Interest/Resident Group
Response to Consultations
The application has been subject to two rounds of public consultation due to the
submission of amended plans in May 2006.
City Councillors
Maria Eagle MP (Liverpool Garston) has submitted a letter following local
constituents contacting her about the proposals. She has relayed the concerns
expressed to her about the existing problems with on street parking on
Gateacre Brow and that this development would add to these problems unless
vehicle access is modified to 42 Gateacre Brow and not via Sandfield Road. In
addition, she also reiterates the concerns of local constituents that the
development may affect the character of the village thereby having an impact
on the success of winning North West in Bloom in future years.
continued . . .