The former Clegg's Felt Factory
(originally Gateacre Brewery)
Gateacre Brow, Liverpool

July 2006

Local Interest Groups

Save our City Campaign has commented on the proposal and whilst noting that
the scheme has been considerably modified since last years proposal, the
Campaign still consider that the number of units proposed is too high and that
the proposed materials, in particular copper and zinc, are inappropriate for this

The Gateacre Society has commented on both rounds of the public
consultation. Their comments on the proposal are summarised below:
Welcomes the retention of the fabric of the Listed Buildings and their
conversion to residential accommodation;
No objections to the demolition of the portal-framed buildings and their
replacement with new build residential development at the rear;
Whilst no objecting to the use of sandstone, glass and oak, there are
concerns about the use of the 'rusty steel' (corten) which is considered
would give the building an unnecessary industrial character;
Concerned about the height of blocks 2 and 3 as they would adversely
affect the setting of the listed buildings.
Inadequate level of parking provision;
Increase in traffic generation and congestion on Sandfield Road;
Concerned about the use of the existing vehicular access on Gateacre
Brow as the entrance to the proposed development;
Number of residential units proposed is excessive and not in accordance
with density requirements.

Merseyside Cycling Campaign - raise no objections subject to "Sheffield" type
cycle stands being provided within the site.

Other Consultees

English Heritage - No comments

Environmental Health - raise no objections to the proposal however request
that a number of standard conditions be imposed should planning permission
be granted.

Highways Manager - to be discussed later in report

Planning Policy

Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 (Planning & The Historic Environment)

UDP Policies/SPGs
The following policies are relevant to the consideration of these applications:
HD4 - Alterations to Listed Buildings
HD5 - Development Affecting the Setting of Listed Buildings
HD8 - Preservation and Enhancement of Conservation Areas
HD9 - Demolition of Buildings in Conservation Areas
HD11 - New Development in Conservation Areas
HD18 - General Design Requirements
HD23 - New Trees and Landscaping
H4 - Primarily residential Areas
H5 - New Residential Development
H7 - Conversion of Buildings for Multiple Occupation
T12 - Car Parking Provision in New Developments
Policy H6 of Supplementary Planning Document - New Housing Development
Supplementary Planning Guidance Note 10 - New Residential Development

continued . . .

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