The former Clegg's Felt Factory
(originally Gateacre Brewery)
Gateacre Brow, Liverpool

July 2006


1) Are the proposed alterations & works to the brewery and No. 42
acceptable in terms of the preserving and enhancing the architectural and
historic character of these Grade II Listed Buildings?
2) Is the principle of "enabling development" considered to be acceptable on
this site?
3) Is the site appropriate for the development of residential accommodation
in relation to current housing policy?
4) Is the size, appearance and location of the new build apartment block
appropriate in terms of their design and relationship to the listed buildings
and the adjacent residential properties?
5) Are the proposed access arrangements and level of off street parking
provision appropriate in highway safety terms?

Officer Assessment

Each of the above mentioned issues are dealt with in turn as follows:

1) Conversion, Improvements & Alterations to the Listed Buildings

With regards to the proposed conversion of the brewery into 9 no. self
contained residential flats, the Planning Manager considers that the principle of
such works is acceptable. The conversion of the brewery involves sensitive
repair and refurbishment. The Planning Manager is of the opinion that the
proposal has been designed to preserve and enhance the main features of the
brewery and remove many non original partitioning and staircases which have
been added in more recent years. A new contemporary glazed staircase
element is to be erected to the front of the brewery which stands proud of the
existing building and utilises existing repaired openings behind.

As previously mentioned, No. 42 Gateacre Brow is an early nineteenth century
dwelling house which, in the main, retains its internal historic layout, although a
two storey extension at the rear was built onto the property in 1967. It is
proposed to demolish this unsympathetic extension and 'make good' the historic
fabric of the original building. The demolition of this extension enables this
property to create a small informal garden. It is proposed that this property will
be retained as a single dwelling house.

The brewery and No. 42 are in need of substantial investment in order to secure
their long term future use. The Planning Manager considers that conversion of
the brewery has been designed sympathetically, reinstates and protects the
historic features and retains the important main internal spaces which form
some of the principal characteristics of the building. In addition, the internal and
external alterations and refurbishment to the brewery, including the erection of a
contemporary glazed staircase at the front are considered to be acceptable to
the historic character of the Grade II Listed Building.

The historic fabric of the site has been severely blighted by several modern,
utilitarian buildings. As such, the demolition of the portal framed buildings and
the unsympathetic extension at the rear of No. 42 is welcomed and would be a
positive improvement to the setting of the Listed Buildings and the overall
character and appearance of this part of the Gateacre Village Conservation

The Planning Manager is satisfied that the proposed works to the Listed
Buildings have been designed sympathetically, restore the principal elements of
both the interior and exterior and would preserve the historic fabric of the
buildings for future generations. He is therefore considers that the proposal

complies with the principles of PPG15 and Policy HD4 of the UDP.

continued . . .

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