Ward: Woolton
Site: 42 Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PH
Proposal: To erect 3 storey building to incorporate 9 self contained apartments
Applicant: Gateacre Brow Ltd
Application No.: 15F/2296
Date Valid: 05/10/2015
D.C. Team: City South
Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
Case Officer Report
Site Description & Background
The application site covers approximately 0.1 hectares of land and a portal framed building located at the rear of the brewery and No. 42 Gateacre Brow. The site forms part of a larger development site which was subject to a planning and listed building application for residential conversion and new build development in 2006. Works to the two listed buildings (brewery and No. 42) in connection with its conversion into apartments has been undertaken and is now occupied however the associated development at the rear has not been implemented.
The Proposal
To scheme proposes to erect a 3 storey block containing 9 apartments on land at the rear of the brewery and No. 42 Gateacre Brow. In general, the form, scale, massing and location of the proposed development is largely the same as that approved under the 2006 application albeit that some revisions are proposed to the fenestration, positioning of sections of the first and second floors and a minor increase in footprint. The existing portal framed shed is to be retained and will provide car parking provision for both the existing residents of No. 42 and the proposed residents. Access into the site will be from Gateacre Brow utilising the existing historic access point and egress will be onto Sandfield Road. This arrangement remains as per the approved scheme granted planning permission in 2006.
Relevant Site History
Application Ref - 06F/0294 & 06L/0298
Proposal - To undertake demolitions, alterations, refurbishment and extensions; to convert former brewery to 9 no. flats; to erect 2 x 3 storey blocks of 4 flats and 9 no. flats at rear (22 units in total); retain no 42 as single dwelling and layout 22 space car park at rear
Decision - Approved with conditions August 2008 however only implemented in so far as the works to the former brew house, its extensions and no. 42 Gateacre Brow have been undertaken (albeit subject to minor alteration - see below).
Application Ref - 14F/1678 & 14L/1677
Proposal - To retain alterations refurbishment and extension in connection with conversion of former brewery into 11 apartments, continue to use 42 Gateacre Brow as a dwelling house, retain portal framed structure to rear and layout associated parking and landscaping
Decision - Approved with conditions
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