Following the submission of revised plans which amended the fenestration as well as the positioning of parts of the first and second floors, local residents and The Gateacre Society were notified of the amended proposal and given the opportunity to submit any further representations. No further representations were received from local residents however The Gateacre Society submitted an additional representation and the comments are summarised as follows:
The Committee agreed to reiterate comments made previously in respect of the lack of an up to date Design & Access Statement, overshadowing of the adjacent properties;
Consider that the alterations to part of the first and second floor elements would appear 'incongruous';
Concern that this proposal relies on the existing portal shed building being retained and whilst the Committee has previously advised that they had no objections to its retention, this was referred to in the short term rather than the long term;
Reference is made to the refusal of planning permission for a telecommunications mast in 2011 and in particular the reasons cited in the decision notice.
Planning Policy
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
This Framework came into effect on 27th March 2012 and sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The Framework re-iterates that planning law requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Framework replaced the previously published planning policy statements (PPSs) and planning policy guidance notes (PPGs). The proposed residential development is considered to conform to the Framework.
UDP Policies
The following saved UDP policies are relevant to the determination of this application and are considered to align with the principles, aims and objectives of the NPPF and therefore they are considered to carry significant weight. The site lies within a primarily residential area and adjacent to (but not within) the Gateacre Village conservation area. As such the proposal will be assessed under the following policies of the Liverpool UDP:
HD5 - Development affecting the setting of a listed building
HD12 - New development adjacent to the conservation area
HD18 - General Design Requirements
HD19 - Access for All
H4 - Primarily Residential Areas
H5 - New Residential Development
T12 - Car Parking in New Developments
Ensuring a Choice of Travel SPD
Design for Access for All SPD
Continued . . .