Local Residents
7 representations have been received from local residents as a result of the public consultation process, which are summarised as follows:
The proposed building will only be 20ft from St Stephens Court and due to its height, it will overshadow the garden, block sunlight and result in overlooking;
The proposed building will change the skyline of the area;
There are already too many empty flats in the area;
The design of the proposed building is modern and ugly and is not in keeping with the conservation area;
There are concerns regarding the safety of children who play in the rear garden of St Stephens Court due to the close proximity of the proposed building;
The proposed building will have an adverse impact on nearby listed buildings;
The existing traffic levels in Gateacre Village are dangerous and this proposed development will add to this situation;
The length of the construction process is a concern as it will lead to noise and disturbance which the residents have to endure;
Insufficient parking provision within the site;
Devaluation of property prices;
There are too many flats cramped onto this small site;
Lower Sandfield Road is already heavily parked and therefore cannot take any overspill from the proposed development;
Mews style properties would be more suitable on the site;
Local Residents Groups
The comments of the Gateacre Society can be summarised as follows:
They are pleased with the work that has been carried out so far to the listed buildings;
No objection to the retention of the portal framed shed at the present time;
Object to the proposed block and in particular its height as it will affect the setting of the listed building and overshadow the neighbouring properties;
Objected to the previous scheme in 2006;
Occupiers of St Stephens Court were unaware of the height of the proposed block and were 'aghast' when they realised its height in relation to the existing wall;
Lack of information in relation to the proposed materials;
Insufficient parking provision as previously commented in 2006;
Consider that the site would be more suited to a mews style development. There is already an oversupply of flats in the area, which was raised as an issue in 2006.
Continued . . .