The former Clegg's Felt Factory
(originally Gateacre Brewery)
Gateacre Brow, Liverpool

October 2016


1. Liverpool expects strict compliance with all conditions attached to planning decisions. Conditions particularly pre-commencement conditions require submission to and approval in writing by local planning authority before any works start. Failure to discharge conditions before commencing development could result in the development being unlawful. Central Government regulations since April 2008 now mean that a fee is normally payable to formally discharge planning conditions.

2. During the site works the contractor shall pay full regard to the best practicable means available in respect of the control of noise and dust from the site. In addition, no operations which are audible at the site boundary shall be carried out:
(i) outside the hours of 0800 to 1800 weekdays
(ii) outside the hours of 0800 to 1300 Saturdays, and
(iii) at any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

3. The permission hereby granted does not convey any rights or approval to build on, or develop, any land that is not fully owned or controlled by the applicant, including party boundaries. Applicants should satisfy themselves that the agreement of any adjoining land owners has been given prior to works commencing on site.

4. Liverpool City Council is the street name and numbering authority and has the responsibility of allocating postal addresses to new properties and existing properties converted to residential. All street name and numbering must be managed and agreed appropriately in accordance with LCC standards and policy. Please contact Miss Zita Carroll on 0151 233 0319 to progress these works.

5. Reasons for Approval - Positive Planning
The decision to grant permission and impose any conditions has been taken having regard to the relevant policies and proposals in the Liverpool Unitary Development Plan 2002. The Local Planning Authority have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner based on seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with a planning applications and have implemented the requirement in NPPF para 187.

6. The applicant is advised that all necessary off -site highway works shall be carried out by means of a Section 278 Highways Agreement and all highway materials removed shall be reclaimed by the City Council. In this respect, the applicant should contact the Council's Highway Management Section on telephone number 0151 233 0324.

7. The applicant/agent should be aware that the Council's drainage engineer has commented that the proposed car parking area must not drain directly onto the existing adopted highway and should either fall back towards the building or have flows intercepted by a channel type drain which is connected back into the private drainage system.

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Page created 24 November 2016 by MRC