Tuesday, 11th October, 2016, 9.45 a.m.
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, High Street, Liverpool 1
Meeting attendance:
Councillor John McIntosh
Councillor Tony Concepcion
Councillor Sue Heron
Councillor Tricia O'Brien
Councillor Irene Rainey
Councillor Helen Thompson
Councillor Steve Radford
Councillor Mirna Juarez (as substitute for Richard Kemp)
42 Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PH (Woolton Ward) PDF 179 KB
To consider a recommendation that Application No. 15F/2296 in respect of 42 Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PH (Woolton Ward), to erect 3 storey building to incorporate 9 self-contained apartments, be approved subject to the conditions proposed by the Interim Head of Planning.
Additional documents:
Item No. 10 - Site Plan - 42 Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PH (Woolton Ward) , item 314. PDF 85 KB
The Committee considered a recommendation that Application No. 15F/2296 in respect of 42 Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PH (Woolton Ward), to erect 3 storey building to incorporate 9 self-contained apartments, be approved subject to the conditions proposed by the Interim Head of Planning.
A representative of the Applicant delivered a presentation and addressed the Committee in support of the Application.
A representative of the Save Our City Campaign addressed the Committee, objecting to the Application on the basis that the proposed new build development was out of character with the adjacent historic buildings, would be overly dominant and lead to issues of overshadowing and have a negative impact on residential amenity.
The Interim Head of Planning advised the Committee that the Highways Manager has reviewed the need for any off site highway works and has concluded that none are required given the level of off street parking being proposed. On this basis Condition 7 was deleted from the permission applied for.
Planning Officers summarised issues in relation to the Application, advising that the proposal was similar to that previously approved for the application site and, as this was considered to have a lesser impact, was therefore recommended for approval.
Resolved that the recommendation, as amended, be approved.