(1) Williamsons Advertiser Friday 23 July 1756
To be Sold to the highest bidder at the dwelling house of David Edwardson - Innkeeper at Gateacre, within Little Woolton on Thursday next 19th August at two o'clock.
A new and well built messuage or dwelling house with convenient out-buildings in Wavertree 3 acres of land now or late Copyhold of Inheritance In the possession of Stephen Knutsford.
Apply to John Hodgkinson in Prescot - Attorney
(2) Williamsons General Advertiser 1st September 1758
To be sold at the house of David Edwardson The Black Bull at Gateacre, Little Woolton on Friday 2 September 1758 at 3.0 o'clock in the afternoon - A Messuage or dwelling house with convenient outbuildings and about 15 acres of land - large measure scituate near Gateacre Little Woolton and about 4 miles from Liverpool The same premises being commonly known by the name of 'NAYLORS ESTATE' subject to a copyhold rent of eight shillings as year to the Lord of the Manor.
For further particulars apply to Mr William Barrow at Gateacre.
N.B. The buildings are all newly erected fitting and convenient for Gentleman or Farmer.
(3) Williamsons General Advertiser January 1759
To be sold by Auction together or in separate parcels on Thursday 8 February 1759 at 4.0 o'clock at the house of William Davis The Bear and Ragged Staff at Gateacre
Two Messuages and Tenements with outbuildings fit for two farms. One known by the name of 'Nodsbys' and the other by 'Rishton/Bisphams' in Little Woolton, Gateacre 20 acres of arable pasture and meadow land of the large measure. Yearly value of £40 per ann. One messuage and 4 acres is Freehold land of Inheritance the remaining is Copyhold rent of ten shillings and ninepence to the Lord of the Manor.
Particulars to Mr Richard Wood or Mr William Barrow at Gateacre. There is plenty of fine marle lying in the said premises very proper for improvement.
[N.B. Land Tax 1759 - Richard Woods for Nodsbys, late Athertons. Part of Lee]
Continued . . .