(4) Williamsons General Advertiser - 2nd March 1759
TO BE SOLD to the best bidder on Saturday 17th March 1759 at the house of David Edwardson Black Bull Gateacre
An Estate in Little Woolton near Netherley Bridge late Entwistles now Wilkinsons 4 miles from Liverpool consisting of 17 Cheshire acres of land and upwards. 4 acres are copyhold and the rest remaining Freehold in the holding of Daniel Robinson. The house and outbuildings are of brick and slated in good repair.
For further particulars enquire of Mr Samuel Wilkinson - Attorney at Law in Middlewich or Mr Thomas Panker, Lombard St. London
[The above refers to PECK MILL HOUSE - as Manorial documents to hand].
(5) 29 April 1763
To be let 2 houses in Woolton either for a year or for a summer season and enter on immediately. One is ready furnished whoever is minded to take the same apply to James Finch near the Black Bull, Gateacre 4 miles from Liverpool
(6) Williamsons Advertiser 2nd November 1764
To be sold - All that Freehold and Copyhold Estate called 'THROSTLE NEST' in Little Woolton 4 miles from Liverpool 1 mile from Prescot and adjoining the London Road in a good coal county containing 11a 1r 31p large measure 8 yards to the road lying altogether without any paths throughout Well wooded, water and liable to great improvements with convenient buildings having a large house, walled garden and orchard suitable for any Gentleman's family also a good farm house and great convenienced outbuildings for a Farmer - All pleasantly situated.
Any persons minded to purchase my apply to Mr William Rowe - Attorney at Law in Liverpool or to Mr Thomas Hales in Little Woolton who will show the premises
Continued . . .