We have been notified by the City Council's Planning Department that the application to fell four pine trees in Hunts Cross Avenue (reported in our March Newsletter) has been REFUSED. We are still waiting to hear whether any action is to be taken against the owner for failing to protect them during the house construction period.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc have ended months of speculation by submitting detailed plans for a new foodstore on the site of the derelict Newforge Foods (Spam) factory. A deal has apparently been signed between the City Council and St Modwen Properties plc to develop the site and refurbish the adjacent surface car park, so as to benefit both the new store and the existing Belle Vale Shopping Centre. A petrol station - to be accessed from Besford Road - is still proposed behind the shops/flats in Belle Vale Road, despite our previous objections. But the pedestrian access arrangements to the store from the Station Road/Redwood Estate footpath - which we also commented upon - have been greatly improved since the original outline plans were drawn up in 1999. The current planning application (ref. 02F/1638) is available for inspection at the City Council's offices: Millennium House, Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6JF.