Other items from our March Newsletter
In our last Newsletter we mentioned that the owner of the Rising Sun Café in Grange Lane was trying, once again, to obtain planning permission to sell takeaway food. The application, which was recommended by Council officers for approval, was considered by the Planning Committee on 25th February.
We are pleased to report that the members of the Committee took note of our objections - together with those of local residents, the Gateacre Area Committee and Councillor Barbara Mace. They resolved that they are 'MINDED TO REFUSE' the application, subject to a further report from the Planning Officer on the possible consequences of this action.
If you wish to complain about unswept litter, faulty street lamps, etc.,
simply phone LIVERPOOL DIRECT on 0151 233 3001. This is the City Council's
special 'hotline' for reporting such problems. You will normally be asked
for your name, address and postcode, so the complaint can be properly
logged. In our experience this is a very effective service - the results
often being seen within 48 hours.
Are you interested in distributing MERSEYMART within the Gateacre area - and earning extra cash? This free newspaper provides, we think, a useful service in reporting local news and events - but the existing distribution arrangements are in need of improvement, and the company is seeking 'dedicated people with time on their hands' to help. Telephone 0151 472 2360 for further details.
Page created 9 March 2003 by MRC