Newsletter Distribution
For many years now - in fact ever since the Gateacre Society was founded in 1974 - we have relied on a team of volunteers to distribute Newsletters to our members. We are very grateful to everyone who has helped in this way, but - as announced at the AGM in October - we have in recent times found it more and more difficult to maintain this hand-delivery service and have therefore decided to dispatch all Newsletters by post. This will, of course, cost us more money, and the level of membership subscriptions will need to be reviewed - but for the time being we are using a proportion of our reserves to absorb the cost.
One suggestion made at the AGM was that members might like to receive their Newsletters by email instead of by post - which would provide them with a quicker service and also, of course, save us money.
IF YOU ARE A PAID-UP MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY and would like to opt for this method of dispatch, please let us know by sending us a message
Incidentally, we now have a new Membership Secretary Rosemary Doman having kindly volunteered to take over from Beryl Plent, who has served as our Membership Secretary for the past 17 years. Beryl is still a member of our Committee, but will be concentrating on Local History matters.