in Gateacre this year is on Saturday 11th September
GATEACRE CHAPEL, Gateacre Brow, will be open to visitors from 10am-4pm, and ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH, Belle Vale Road, will be open 10.30am-4.30pm.
We shall be offering
90-minute GUIDED HISTORICAL WALKS between the two venues, led by Beryl Plent and Mike Chitty, departing from the Chapel at 12.30pm and 2.30pm and from
St Stephen's at
12 noon and 2pm.
All Heritage Open Day events are free of charge. For details of the full programme for Liverpool (9th-19th September) look out for the colour brochure or visit www.heritageopendays.org
To celebrate its centenary in 2009, Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services (LCVS) offered the Gateacre Society a free tree, to be planted somewhere within our area. The location eventually decided upon was in Woolton Road, on the green triangle behind the telephone kiosk. We are pleased to report that the tree - a silver birch - was planted earlier this year, and is now thriving.
The recent repainting and installation of new signage at the Bear & Staff pub has apparently been carried out without the benefit of planning permission. As the premises are situated within the Gateacre Village Conservation Area, we anticipate that a retrospective application will be insisted upon by the Planning Department.
Please make a note of these
OCTOBER events:
On Friday 1st October, the Friends of Gateacre are holding a QUIZ NIGHT (with Raffle and Buffet Supper) in the Gateacre Institute, Grange Lane, Liverpool L25 5JX, to raise funds for Gateacre in Bloom. All are welcome. 7.30 pm start, admission £5 per person, on the door.
On Sunday 24th October, The Gateacre Society's 36th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in Gateacre Unitarian Chapel, Gateacre Brow, Liverpool L25 3PB, starting at 2pm. Nominations for Committee membership will be invited, and anyone interested in helping us run the Society will be very welcome to put themselves forward. (Please contact any existing Committee member for details of what is involved). The business part of the meeting will be followed by a GATEACRE PICTURE QUIZ and refreshments. All members of the Society - and prospective members - are encouraged to attend.
Page created 2 Sep 2010 by MRC