Some other items from our February Newsletter
Our congratulations go to the Friends of Gateacre who were awarded a Silver Gilt medal by the North West in Bloom judges in October 2009. This was in recognition of the floral displays and planting organised during the summer of 2009, and the way in which the Friends had worked in partnership with others (notably Gateacre Comprehensive School, who have created allotments maintained by the pupils, and the Gateacre Society, who provided the heritage lectern on the Green) to establish a high level of 'community participation' within the village. The Friends meet monthly, at the Gateacre Institute, to discuss future planting, clean-ups and fund-raising activities; for details visit the special section of our website or email Terri Holcroft.
St George's Hall, Liverpool
20th-21st March 2010
We shall once again be taking part in the event, organised by BBC Radio Merseyside.
We shall be sharing a display and exhibition table with our friends the Wavertree Society,
and members of our Committee will be 'on duty' there on Sunday 21st March.
Please come along and see us!
The Belle Vale Prefab Project was created in 2005 to celebrate and record the lives of the people who lived in a remarkable community after the Second World War. The Project's first book Prefab Days (2006) contained many contributions from the 'prefabbers' themselves, who explained just what was so special about their unique community. There were lots of photos as well, and its publication found the Project many new members. Although Prefab Days has now sold out, it can be borrowed from any Liverpool library. A second book, More Prefab Days, was published in 2008. It is on sale at Belle Vale Post Office, price £10. There is also a 2010 Calendar available for £4.
The last of the 1,157 'temporary' prefabs were finally demolished at the end of the 1960s, but the memories live on! The Project meets for a social get-together (usually there are between 20 to 30 people present) at 7pm in Lee Valley Millennium Centre, on the last Thursday evening of every month, and new members are always very welcome to attend. Besides these regular monthly events, there are outings and parties, and there are plans for a celebration and thanksgiving to be held in the spring.
Our Book - Gateacre & Belle Vale: in old photographs
was published by The History Press in October 2009 and is available,
price £12.99, at Grange Lane Stores, Gateacre. Copies are also on sale at our meetings,
and also via the special section of our website, where further information is available.
Page created 2 Feb 2010 by MRC, last updated 15 Apr 2010