October 2011: Details of local history talks, a quiz and a watercolour painting of old Gateacre Brow.

September 2011:
Announcing an intriguingly-titled talk about the history of Sugar, and two local Heritage Open Day events.

May 2011:
News of planning applications for the Bear & Staff, Gateacre Park shopping centre, Walnut Cottage and 179 Grange Lane.

March 2011:
More memories, an appeal for information about Gateacre Station, and more information about forthcoming events.

January 2011:
Several dates for your diary, February-June 2011, plus memories of Gateacre life in the 1960s from a former resident.

News Index 2011

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Page created 27 Jan 2011 by MRC, last updated 22 Oct 2011