Some other items from our May Newsletter
Liverpool City Council has obtained a quote for the full refurbishment of the damaged 1897 signpost in Belle Vale Road (see last Newsletter). The total cost will be just under £3,600, of which £1,500 will be paid by the North West Gas Alliance. The Gateacre Society has offered £500, leaving £1,600 to be raised from other sources.
We hope that, by the time of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, the City Council will have decided on its own contribution. Meanwhile donations from individuals and local businesses towards the cost will be very welcome; the sooner the money is raised, the sooner the restoration work can begin.
A second attempt (application ref. 12PT/0732) has been made by Vodafone Ltd to obtain planning permission for a 'replica telegraph pole' mobile phone mast off Lower Sandfield. The proposal was once again to build a mast projecting through the metal roof adjacent to the Travis Perkins warehouse. We objected to the design of the mast, and suggested that other sites, further away from the Conservation Area, should be considered. Planning permission was refused by the City Council on 3rd May.
A press release from Sigma Inpartnership Ltd - who are partners with Liverpool City Council in a joint venture called 'Regeneration Liverpool' - states that the former site of Gateacre Comprehensive School "will be developed to accommodate around 200 new family homes". However, no planning application has yet been submitted, and the 'planning brief' which we were told would guide the redevelopment has not yet been produced. The previous Outline planning application - submitted in 2007 but never decided - was for only 114 dwellings, and we are puzzled to know how 200 can be accommodated, bearing in mind the land's designation as Green Space in the Liverpool U.D.P. and the fact that much of it is a potentially-contaminated landfill site, which was used for tipping in the early 1950s in order to (literally) create a level playing field for the school.
Page created 15 May 2012 by MRC