Aldi's planning application 13F/1272 (see our last Newsletter) was discussed by Liverpool City Council's Planning Committee on 27th August. Planning permission was granted subject to a number of conditions. Residents of Hathaway Close spoke out against the proposed rear pedestrian access gate, as a result of which its operation will be monitored - with the possibility of closing it off completely if the initial six month trial period is not trouble-free. A local resident spoke out against the proposed traffic calming measures, which (although not mentioned at all in the application documents) include the installation of speed cushions along the whole length of Gateacre Park Drive up to Woolton Road.
We reiterated our support for the rear pedestrian access, and our opposition to speed bumps - which, we feel, will simply encourage motorists to use less suitable roads such as Grange Lane, Gateacre Brow and Belle Vale Road in preference to Gateacre Park Drive. We understand that the traffic calming arrangements are subject to ratification by the Council's Traffic & Highways Representation Committee, so there is a possibility that they will be modified.