Some other items from our August Newsletter


The 40th Annual General Meeting of the Gateacre Society will be held on Sunday 26th October 2014, in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow L25 3PB, starting at 2pm. More details in our next Newsletter.

The final decision on whether to go ahead with traffic calming measures outside the new Aldi store in Gateacre Park Drive will be taken by Liverpool City Council's Traffic & Highways Representation Committee (THRC) on Tuesday 2nd September. The meeting takes place at 5 p.m. in the West Reception Room of Liverpool Town Hall, and it is open to the public.

The publication of the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in February resulted in 196 objections from local residents and others, and 4 letters of support for the proposals. Council officers have produced a report itemising the 'objection points' (96 in all) raised by local residents, and attempting - unsuccessfully, in our view - to answer them. The full report, which is 370 pages long as it includes copies of all the individual letters of objection and support, can be downloaded using the links below - or obtained direct from the City Council, phone 0151 233 8162 or 8123. We shall be reiterating our own opposition to the proposals at the THRC meeting.

Planning permission (14F/0662) and listed building consent (14L/0663) were granted in May to convert 10 Gateacre Brow from an office building into a three-bedroomed dwelling. The work is now in progress.

After 80 years in business, Gateacre Garden Centre in Acrefield Road closed down on 31st July. As yet, no planning application has been submitted for redevelopment of the site. (We objected to a previous application for flats and houses in 2004, but this was withdrawn by the applicant before a decision by the City Council was made). Any future proposals will be publicised in the Newsletter, and discussed by our Committee in the usual way.

Download a PDF copy of the
LCC Officers' Report to the THRC
2 Sep 2014:

Full version
370 pages including Appendices
Pages 1-36 only,
i.e. excluding all the Appendices:

Read the Liverpool City Council
THRC Agenda and Minutes

(when available)

Read details of the 2004 Gateacre Garden Centre redevelopment proposal, as published in our July 2004 and
January 2005

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Page created 26 Aug 2014 by MRC