November 2014: 'News Extra' pages featuring the plans for building 202 houses on the former Gateacre Comprehensive School site between Cuckoo Lane and Grange Lane.

October 2014:
Read about the contents of our Time Capsule, the Council's speed bumps decision and a new threat to local green spaces.

August 2014:
Read about Heritage Open Day in Gateacre 2014, and download documents relating to the Gateacre Park Drive road humps plan.

May 2014:
An update on local planning, tree preservation and highways issues - and an invitation to contribute material for inclusion in our Gateacre Time Capsule 2014 to celebrate the Society's 40th birthday.

March 2014:
More on the 'Say No to More Road Humps' campaign, the Black Bull forecourt and other current planning issues. And a talk about the Shropshire Union Canal.

February 2014:
A News Extra page about the Gateacre Park Drive speed bumps proposals, objections to which are currently being invited by the City Council.

January 2014:
A talk about the History of Whiston Workhouse, an update on the Belle Vale Road signpost and Gateacre Park Drive traffic calming, and news of a controversial plan to allow drinking on the cobbled forecourt of the Black Bull pub.

News Index 2014

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Page created 3 Jan 2014 by MRC, last updated 17 Nov 2014